Jeugdtoernooi Caballos -14

Caballos Zottegem
(©) FRBE 2005 PairTwo 4.14
Org. : Caballos Zottegem ,Zottegem ,2011
Arbit. : Hans Temmerman
Tempo : 40c/2h + 1h QPF
Tie BreakPts, Mutual Res, Bucholtz, Median Buch, SonneBorn

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7
American Ranking

Final Standing
    Name                    Rati    F/M  Pts     Res   Buch  M B   S B 
  1 Thienpondt Mardoek     (1422N)  M   6.0/7    ---  28.0  21.0 23.75 
  2 Vincent Ayla           (1150N)  F   5.0/7    0.5  30.5  21.0 20.00 
  3 Chaerle Josse          (1413N)  M   5.0/7    0.5  27.5  19.5 17.25 
  4 Terwel Diederick       (   0 )  M   4.5/7    ---  31.5  22.0 18.50 
  5 Tomme Emma             (1187N)  F   4.0/7    2.0  29.0  21.0 13.50 
  6 Rottiers Brent         (1150N)  M   4.0/7    1.0  28.0  19.5 14.50 
  7 Dullaers Arne          (   0 )  M   4.0/7    1.0  22.5  17.5 11.00 
  8 Dedoncker Pieter       (   0 )  M   4.0/7    ---  25.0  18.0 11.00 
  9 De Waegenaere Maarten  (   0 )  M   4.0/7    ---  15.5  11.0  7.50 
 10 Lachaert Tibo          (1294N)  M   3.5/7    1.0  28.0  21.0 11.00 
 11 Vandeginste Mathieu    (   0 )  M   3.5/7    1.0  23.5  17.5 10.75 
 12 Langie Jeroen          (   0 )  M   3.5/7    0.5  22.0  16.0  8.75 
 13 Van Cauwenbergh Maxim  (   0 )  M   3.5/7    0.5  21.0  15.0  6.75 
 14 Ghislain Joran         (   0 )  M   2.5/7    ---  25.0  19.0  6.25 
 15 Phlips Ewout           (   0 )  M   2.0/7    ---  22.5  16.5  2.00 
 16 De Tandt Cedric        (   0 )  M   2.0/7    ---  22.5  15.5  2.00 
 17 Van Maldegem Dante     (   0 )  M   1.0/7    1.0  19.0  14.0  1.00 
 18 De Vuyst Roy           (   0 )  M   1.0/7    ---  20.0  15.0  4.00 
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Round 1 (11-11-2011)
  1 Thienpondt Mardoek    ( 6.0) 1-0  De Tandt Cedric       ( 2.0)
  2 Phlips Ewout          ( 2.0) 0-1  Chaerle Josse         ( 5.0)
  3 Lachaert Tibo         ( 3.5) 1-0  De Vuyst Roy          ( 1.0)
  4 Langie Jeroen         ( 3.5) 0-1  Tomme Emma            ( 4.0)
  5 Vincent Ayla          ( 5.0) 1-0  Van Cauwenbergh Maxim ( 3.5)
  6 Terwel Diederick      ( 4.5) 1-0  Rottiers Brent        ( 4.0)
  7 Ghislain Joran        ( 2.5) 1-0  Van Maldegem Dante    ( 1.0)
  8 Vandeginste Mathieu   ( 3.5) 1-0  De Waegenaere Maarten ( 4.0)
  9 Dullaers Arne         ( 4.0) 1-0  Dedoncker Pieter      ( 4.0)
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Round 2 (11-11-2011)
  1 Vincent Ayla          ( 5.0) 0-1  Thienpondt Mardoek    ( 6.0)
  2 Chaerle Josse         ( 5.0) 1-0  Ghislain Joran        ( 2.5)
  3 Dullaers Arne         ( 4.0) 0-1  Lachaert Tibo         ( 3.5)
  4 Tomme Emma            ( 4.0) 0-1  Terwel Diederick      ( 4.5)
  5 Rottiers Brent        ( 4.0) 1-0  Vandeginste Mathieu   ( 3.5)
  6 De Waegenaere Maarten ( 4.0) 0-1  Langie Jeroen         ( 3.5)
  7 De Tandt Cedric       ( 2.0) 0-1  Van Cauwenbergh Maxim ( 3.5)
  8 Van Maldegem Dante    ( 1.0) 0-1  Phlips Ewout          ( 2.0)
  9 De Vuyst Roy          ( 1.0) 0-1  Dedoncker Pieter      ( 4.0)
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Round 3 (11-11-2011)
  1 Thienpondt Mardoek    ( 6.0) 1-0  Lachaert Tibo         ( 3.5)
  2 Terwel Diederick      ( 4.5) 0-1  Chaerle Josse         ( 5.0)
  3 Phlips Ewout          ( 2.0) 0-1  Tomme Emma            ( 4.0)
  4 Langie Jeroen         ( 3.5) 0-1  Vincent Ayla          ( 5.0)
  5 Van Cauwenbergh Maxim ( 3.5) 0-1  Rottiers Brent        ( 4.0)
  6 Dedoncker Pieter      ( 4.0) 1-0  Ghislain Joran        ( 2.5)
  7 Vandeginste Mathieu   ( 3.5) 0-1  Dullaers Arne         ( 4.0)
  8 De Vuyst Roy          ( 1.0) 1-0  De Waegenaere Maarten ( 4.0)
  9 Van Maldegem Dante    ( 1.0) 0-1  De Tandt Cedric       ( 2.0)
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Round 4 (11-11-2011)
  1 Chaerle Josse         ( 5.0) 0-1  Thienpondt Mardoek    ( 6.0)
  2 Lachaert Tibo         ( 3.5) 0-1  Terwel Diederick      ( 4.5)
  3 Tomme Emma            ( 4.0) 1-0  Dullaers Arne         ( 4.0)
  4 Rottiers Brent        ( 4.0) 0-1  Vincent Ayla          ( 5.0)
  5 Dedoncker Pieter      ( 4.0) 1-0  Phlips Ewout          ( 2.0)
  6 Ghislain Joran        ( 2.5) 1-0  Langie Jeroen         ( 3.5)
  7 De Tandt Cedric       ( 2.0) 0-1  Vandeginste Mathieu   ( 3.5)
  8 Van Cauwenbergh Maxim ( 3.5) 1-0  De Vuyst Roy          ( 1.0)
  9 De Waegenaere Maarten ( 4.0) 1-0  Van Maldegem Dante    ( 1.0)
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Round 5 (11-11-2011)
  1 Thienpondt Mardoek    ( 6.0) 1-0  Tomme Emma            ( 4.0)
  2 Vincent Ayla          ( 5.0) ½-½  Chaerle Josse         ( 5.0)
  3 Terwel Diederick      ( 4.5) 1-0  Dedoncker Pieter      ( 4.0)
  4 Lachaert Tibo         ( 3.5) 1-0  Van Cauwenbergh Maxim ( 3.5)
  5 Dullaers Arne         ( 4.0) 0-1  Rottiers Brent        ( 4.0)
  6 Vandeginste Mathieu   ( 3.5) ½-½  Ghislain Joran        ( 2.5)
  7 Phlips Ewout          ( 2.0) 0-1  De Waegenaere Maarten ( 4.0)
  8 De Vuyst Roy          ( 1.0) 0-1  De Tandt Cedric       ( 2.0)
  9 Langie Jeroen         ( 3.5) 1-0  Van Maldegem Dante    ( 1.0)
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Round 6 (11-11-2011)
  1 Terwel Diederick      ( 4.5) ½-½  Thienpondt Mardoek    ( 6.0)
  2 Chaerle Josse         ( 5.0) ½-½  Lachaert Tibo         ( 3.5)
  3 Dedoncker Pieter      ( 4.0) ½-½  Vincent Ayla          ( 5.0)
  4 Tomme Emma            ( 4.0) 1-0  Rottiers Brent        ( 4.0)
  5 Ghislain Joran        ( 2.5) 0-1  Dullaers Arne         ( 4.0)
  6 Langie Jeroen         ( 3.5) ½-½  Vandeginste Mathieu   ( 3.5)
  7 De Waegenaere Maarten ( 4.0) 1-0  De Tandt Cedric       ( 2.0)
  8 Van Cauwenbergh Maxim ( 3.5) 1-0  Phlips Ewout          ( 2.0)
  9 Van Maldegem Dante    ( 1.0) 1-0  De Vuyst Roy          ( 1.0)
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Round 7 (11-11-2011)
  1 Thienpondt Mardoek    ( 6.0) ½-½  Dedoncker Pieter      ( 4.0)
  2 Vincent Ayla          ( 5.0) 1-0  Terwel Diederick      ( 4.5)
  3 Tomme Emma            ( 4.0) 0-1  Chaerle Josse         ( 5.0)
  4 Rottiers Brent        ( 4.0) 1-0  Lachaert Tibo         ( 3.5)
  5 Vandeginste Mathieu   ( 3.5) ½-½  Van Cauwenbergh Maxim ( 3.5)
  6 Ghislain Joran        ( 2.5) 0-1  De Waegenaere Maarten ( 4.0)
  7 Dullaers Arne         ( 4.0) 1-0  Van Maldegem Dante    ( 1.0)
  8 De Tandt Cedric       ( 2.0) 0-1  Langie Jeroen         ( 3.5)
  9 Phlips Ewout          ( 2.0) 1-0  De Vuyst Roy          ( 1.0)
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American Ranking
  Name Rating Pts Perf R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Res Buch M B S B
1 Thienpondt Mardoek 1422 6.0 1489 16W + 2B + 10W + 3B + 5W + 4B = 8W = --- 28.0 21.0 23.75
2 Vincent Ayla 1150 5.0 1192 13W + 1W - 12B + 6B + 3W = 8B = 4W + 0.5 30.5 21.0 20.00
3 Chaerle Josse 1413 5.0 1343 15B + 14W + 4B + 1W - 2B = 10W = 5B + 0.5 27.5 19.5 17.25
4 Terwel Diederick 0 4.5 1198 6W + 5B + 3W - 10B + 8W + 1W = 2B - --- 31.5 22.0 18.50
5 Tomme Emma 1187 4.0 1097 12B + 4W - 15B + 7W + 1B - 6W + 3W - 2.0 29.0 21.0 13.50
6 Rottiers Brent 1150 4.0 1025 4B - 11W + 13B + 2W - 7B + 5B - 10W + 1.0 28.0 19.5 14.50
7 Dullaers Arne 0 4.0 568 8W + 10W - 11B + 5B - 6W - 14B + 17W + 1.0 22.5 17.5 11.00
8 Dedoncker Pieter 0 4.0 417 7B - 18B + 14W + 15W + 4B - 2W = 1B = --- 25.0 18.0 11.00
9 De Waegenaere Maarten 0 4.0 50 11B - 12W - 18B - 17W + 15B + 16W + 14B + --- 15.5 11.0 7.50
10 Lachaert Tibo 1294 3.5 1108 18W + 7B + 1B - 4W - 13W + 3B = 6B - 1.0 28.0 21.0 11.00
11 Vandeginste Mathieu 0 3.5 164 9W + 6B - 7W - 16B + 14W = 12B = 13W = 1.0 23.5 17.5 10.75
12 Langie Jeroen 0 3.5 333 5W - 9B + 2W - 14B - 17W + 11W = 16B + 0.5 22.0 16.0 8.75
13 Van Cauwenbergh Maxim 0 3.5 513 2B - 16B + 6W - 18W + 10B - 15W + 11B = 0.5 21.0 15.0 6.75
14 Ghislain Joran 0 2.5 99 17W + 3B - 8B - 12W + 11B = 7W - 9W - --- 25.0 19.0 6.25
15 Phlips Ewout 0 2.0 213 3W - 17B + 5W - 8B - 9W - 13B - 18W + --- 22.5 16.5 2.00
16 De Tandt Cedric 0 2.0 45 1B - 13W - 17B + 11W - 18B + 9B - 12W - --- 22.5 15.5 2.00
17 Van Maldegem Dante 0 1.0 -296 14B - 15W - 16W - 9B - 12B - 18W + 7B - 1.0 19.0 14.0 1.00
18 De Vuyst Roy 0 1.0 -112 10B - 8W - 9W + 13B - 16W - 17B - 15B - --- 20.0 15.0 4.00

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(©) FRBE 2005 PairTwo 4.14